A smile, a cry, a wave, a look. They make you feel alive. There is something in the eyes of children that is so pure, sometimes innocent, deep and free of judgement. The wisdom and innocent freedom they have gets broken down day by day as they grow up being surrounded by adults who have been shaped by our society. We pressure children to grow up as fast as possible, go to school (where all creativity gets killed and where) they are taught how to think in boxes, and don’t get supported in their young dreams.
You don’t have to speak everyone´s language but you can see the sparkle or sadness or joy or loneliness in children´s eyes all over the world.
Here in Ghana I see children every day. Some who just want to chat, some who want to walk somewhere holding hands, some who want to learn about other countries, some who ask for money, some who shout Hi until you shout Hi back, some who watch you work, some who want to carry your things for you, some who cry, some who ignore you and some who give you the brightest grin which lets you forget all your troubles for a few seconds.
They own very little, make toys out of recycled materials, go to school every day and sometimes work after that, some wear torn clothes and many of them don’t get three meals a day, but they shine. Their lives surely aren´t perfect, but they make the most of it. It makes me feel guilty sometimes considering all the things I often complain about. Children in so many poor corners of the planet who have close to nothing, share everything they have and have the brightest smiles!

7 thoughts on “

  1. Hey, Andy, Charlie’s dad put me onto you. I love what you are doing. I did a PDC in Georgia, USA.. back in UK now.. longing to live in the wild.. I’ve been to Ghana, years ago, locating for a boring commercial film.. upcountry in Kumasi.. stunning.. huge poverty… May your journey be blessed.. Am gonna keep up with your blog!

    • Hey!

      We heard so much about you! What an exciting story you got!

      Thank you for reading and hopefully we´ll see you somewhere some day 🙂

      Hoping you´re okay and finding strength in what you´re doing now.

      Lots of love,
      Julia and Jack

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